The Manual Neuro-Immune Therapy or MNITherapy, is a therapy intended to treat functional disorders of the  neuro-immune system. The most common are asthma, allergy, eczema and psoriasis.

The MNITherapy is the result of many years of study and practise of different manual treatment methods such as osteopathy, manual therapy , fascia therapy, …

A registered MNITherapist is basically licensed for osteopathy, or manual therapy. Due to this he has a broad knowledge of anatomy, neurology, neurophysiology and biomechanics. Besides this scientific component, registered MNITherapists are also educated in palpation techniques, functional testing, mobilisations, and manipulative techniques of the human body. Therefore, when visiting a registered MNITherapist, you can be sure you will receive safe and effective treatment for your complaints.

Besides asthma, allergy, eczema and psoriasis, you can consult us for other complaints such as headaches, migraines, back pain, digestive problems, …

In short, all issues which can be caused by a non-optimal functioning of the autonomic nervous system.

image showing crack

What happens to our joints when we “crack” them and is it bad?

Hieronder vindt u een video over, wat er gebeurt als we onze vingers of andere gewrichten manipuleren of “kraken”, …

MRI-scan directly shows result of lower back manipulation.

Er werd onderzoek gedaan naar het rechtstreeks effect van een manipulatie van de lage rug bij ongeveer honderd patiënten …

baby tillen

Spinal manipulation is effective in relieving infantile colic.

Er werd door het Center for Biomechanics, Odense University, Denmark, een onderzoek naar kolieken bij huilbaby’s …