Osteoporosis, osteopenia and arthrosis

  • astma asthme asthma allergie allergy eczema eczéma mnit 52Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis or demineralisation of the bone tissue means a faster demolition of the bone than construction (caused by aging, medication, illness), whereby they become more fragile and the chance to get fractures is higher.

Patients who have a high grade of osteoporosis are not considered to receive a treatment with the MNITherapy because of the high risk of fractures.

Not so much for the vertebrae as well as for the ribs.

In case of doubt and in patients with a higher age we will consider asking your GP to send you for a bone examination (densitometry, DEXA scan)



  • Osteopenia

Osteopenia is the forestage of osteoporosis and means literally: less bone. However this is no contra indication for a treatment, the more so because we don’t use force but speed in the performance of our techniques and thus the bones will not be manipulated too much.



  • Arthrosis

Arthrosis is not a contra indication for the MNITherapy. However in developped stages it is possible that a therapist cannot entirely unlock the joints whereby the chance to be succesful decreases. We still see then an improvement of the complaints and a higher comfort for the patient.

Highly advanced arthrosis with osteophytes and ankylosing joints are excluded of therapy.

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