Eczema / psoriasis

We will limit our discussion to the skin diseases which can be treated by the MNITherapy


  • Eczema

Eczema (or dermatitis, atopic dermatitis) is a non-infectious inflammation of the skin and occurs at all ages. In “classic” medicine these inflammations are considered a result of disturbances in the immune system, allergic inflammatory reactions, or a genetic problem.


Most important symptomsMNIT Huidziekten 2

  • Dry, rough, scaling, swollen or red skin
  • Itching
  • Exudation, forming of scabs
  • Round or disc-shaped scaly spots
  • Inflammation
  • Urge to scratch, whereby aggravating and spreading can occur
  • Possibility of bacterial superinfection



Classicaly, eczema is treated by being suppressed by creams, mostly based on corticosteroids.

Often allergic factors are sought for, and allergens are attempted to be avoid in order to cure the skin.

These methods might keep the illness under control but can increase the possibility that eczema will change into asthma attacks.





  •  Psoriasis

This disease belongs to the same family as eczema.MNIT Huidziekten 9

Many different sorts exist, as well as a mixed form with eczema, for example: eczematic psoriasis.

The difference with eczema is that in psoriasis the skin will renew itself every 3-4 days instead of once every 28 days. The surface of the skin reddens, gets inflamed, becomes extremly sensitive, obviously thicker and scaly. The affected spots can get three times thicker than normal.



← The skin in general

→ Eczema, psoriasis and the MNITherapy

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