The most important features in babies and children with functional disturbances of the neuro-immune system are, like in adults, the typical misalignments and blockages.
- 1. Babies
Right from before or after birth, babies can become blocked in the pelvis girdle, thorax and cervical vertebrae.
Before the therapy starts, parents will receive all information about the causes of the functional disorders according to the points of view of the MN-IT, and how they are related to the autonomic nervous system.
The techniques will be explained in such a way that parents can understand why we perform certain actions.
Thereafter we demonstrate on their child what are these misalignments and blockages exactly are.
This picture shows a baby who will be treated for esophageal reflux..
Look at the misaligned position and the forced position of the head to the left.
(this is not a voluntary position, but a forced one: because of the blockades in the cervical spine and the thorax, the child cannot move the head to the other side).
Also the trunk and the pelvis are forced in the “banana position”.
Control of the leg length difference
The techniques needed to treat the blockages and the misalignments are very soft but swift.
The problem with this, is that babies often are surprised and will cry.
In comparison with the thorax and the neck of a baby, our hands are quite big and thus it seems that we are using rough techniques. We’d like to assure you: nothing is less true. Right now we have the experience of thousands of treated babies, all with a very good result.
The result:
After the first treatment: the baby lies relaxed and straight.
This will remain after maximum three to four treatments, certain nervous centers will not be over excited anymore and the complaints will disappear.
An equal leg length, a sign that the pelvis girdle is released.
This phenomenon is seen right after the first treatment.
However, in case we notice that the complaints don’t disappear after our treatments, we will advise you to contact your treating physician.
Extra tests might be necessary to diagnose if any underlying troubles which can be solved by other medical disciplines.
- 2. Children
The pictures below show the posture of a child before and after the first treatment.
Notice the obvious more straight position of the spine.